This Is Your Year, Chose Your Words Wisely
This year be yourself…everyone else is taken. It is when you are content with who you are, how God made you and know it confidently, is...

Urgent Call To Intercession: The Party Before Inaguration Day - America and Israel under siege
I received this dream on the night of New Years Eve. It is a call to intercession for the Body of Christ. We must come together...

Prophetic Word: You Are Seeded and Pregnant with Great Potential
Shalom Pillars, During prayer this morning, the Lord gave me this word of encouragement for those who feel like they have blown the...

Don't Give Up! Today Is Your Small Beginning!
Be encouraged and don't give up believing God. He will make good on His promise and will properly equip you to fulfill your purpose and...

Do not cast away that promise!
So do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord. Remember the great reward it brings you! Hebrews 10:35 NLT I am coming to visit...

It's Okay To Be Renewed
God has brought you to a place where you now stand at the entrance to a new place, a new time and a new season. It is okay to enter in...

A Call to Intercession: Will Russia Attack Israel and the United States?
October 19, 2015 Some of you already know about the assignment I was given in Israel regarding the East Gate at the Temple Mount, but I...

Dream: Preparing A Meal For My Father
I had this dream not too long ago. I believe it will encourage some. Please share if you feel led. There are two interpretations for this...