03-28-17 Prophecy – Tyler, Texas & Smith County
The Spirit of the Lord says,
Tyler! Tyler! Awake! Awake! Time to awake from your deep sleep, O sleeper, who lies deep in the heart of Texas! Have I not promised and have I not covenanted with those who came before you, whose loins you were hidden in, to establish you and the seat of My government through you in these days?
Watch for the structures of religion have been brought down and the altars established by witchcraft and divination over you and the region I have destroyed this day and declare to be illegal. Even though the height and depth of their wickedness was hidden in darkness, I have destroyed it from its roots deep down below and the fruit of it high in the heavenlies. With a word, with a declaration and the blast of My trumpet, I cast these works down to the ground just as a lightning bolt strikes and destroys trees; I have struck them in the heavenlies over you, the city of Tyler and Smith County. I am the Lord. I do not lie.
And when you see the outpouring you will remember this day and give Me all the glory for remembering My promise and covenant with your forefathers to fulfill it in its day, as I promised. This is the beginning of the fulfilling of that which I promised and many today do not even know of it, but now I will bring forth My prophetic intercessors in the region from where I have kept them hidden until now. I will bring them forth to teach this generation about the promises I made to the forefathers of this land to visit them and to bless all peoples and tongues from this place. I am the Lord. I do not lie.
The works of darkness will no longer have dominion or authority over you who are Tyler Texas, and the region called Smith County, says the Lord, for the legal issue of blood, sweat, tears and fire, all have been resolved and forgiven this day. I have renewed My covenant with the land and no man or woman can annul My judgment. I will cause gathering of the ancestors to take place for forgiveness and reconciliation, healing and blessing, to come upon all in the region. I am the Lord. I do not lie.
Watch as I cause the spirit of sleep and slumber to be lifted and a breath of fresh air, the wind of My Spirit, will blow across the county and through every town. It is a spiritual cleansing of the region that I am doing today. Churches and governments will be refreshed with new ideas and concepts to improve life and well-being in the region. Major corporations will be drawn you and will build, and then build again, only bigger. You will be busting at the seams with business and commerce and you will once again find yourself in the black, Tyler, Texas, a city no longer in red, but profitable and made by God to be an example. Cities will come to see what the Lord has done and will go back to model themselves the same. I am the Lord. I do not lie.
I will begin to move in the government and city councils of the region. Integrity before God and man is the order of this new day. I am visiting those in positions of power in government and business. Serve the Lord and turn from your ways – is the interpretation to their dreams and visions. Those who turn to Me will be blessed, but those who harden their hearts and refuse to yield to My Spirit will be moved. I will not be refused. I will not allow things to continue to be done the same old way. I am the Lord. I do not lie.
I will begin to move on the hearts of the unknown and unlearned in politics to stand and be counted among the believers in government. I will call them and they will answer, Yes Lord! I will open doors that no man can shut and raise up mayors, city managers and city council members who never were before, and out of the same door I will escort wolves out of government and businesses that have made themselves fat off of the backs of the people of the region, and the shout of victory will come out of the poor and destitute of Smith County. Incarceration is the name of the door for some before the end of the year. You will even see a homeless man under a bridge one day and the next owning a business under My covering. I am the Lord. I do not lie.
I will begin to restore the land and finances stolen from the simple and undiscerning from a time long ago. Hidden documents, land and title deeds will be discovered and the inheritance once thought long lost, I will bring into the possession of those who are rightful heirs. I am the Lord. I do not lie.
The lethargic and lazy spirit that robs and kills passion to serve God and man will be no more set over My church and the government in the region. I will cause a work of My Spirit to come out of the church and state working together in the region and no man or woman will hinder this work I will do. A new sound I will cause break forth out of worship and the pulpits. It is a new thing that will spring forth and My people will perceive it, and catch hold of it to run with fire. Many ministries will have to live stream their services and by this I will cause the outpouring in Tyler to flow out across the nation and the world. People from every nation and every tongue will come to see the Holy One manifesting redemption and blessing for all whosoever will to answer the call. I am the Lord. I do not lie.
Rejoice O barren one! She who could not produce will now produce for the water of heaven has and is breaking forth up out of the earth and down out of the heavens into your region. Rejoice! For the crowning of the move of My Spirit is now coming forth through you Tyler, Texas and all the surrounding towns I will annex into the move I am birthing and bringing forth deep out of the heart of Texas! Surely it will come and is coming to stay! I am the Lord. I do not lie.
Receive this blessing:
You are blessed by God Most High,
Creator of heaven and earth.
And bless be God Most High,
Who has defeated your enemies for you!
Smashing Pillars….raising sons…
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