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Powerful Prophetic Word: Be Still, God Is Doing Something In You

I’ve sensed for the last two days that many believers are in what some would describe as the furnace of affliction. You might be under the thumb of your employer or supervisor at work. Maybe you feel like you are being mistreated, taken advantage of, or disrespected. Maybe you feel like you are not getting recognition for all your hard work and effort. How about this? Maybe your pastor at church is being difficult with you.

Maybe you feel the leadership in church is not recognizing the anointing and calling on your life. It doesn’t matter what you do and how much you sow to the ministry you are not getting the recognition you deserve.

I guess in a nutshell, it may seem to you that no matter how hard you try to please everyone around you all you get in return is opposition from all sides. You need to hear this message because the people who are opposing you are not the problem. Your heart is the problem. The attitude of your heart is what God is dealing with and He is using people and situations and divine appointments to work on your heart.

It’s not that you’ve done anything wrong. It’s that you’ve done everything right in God’s sight and He is ready to promote you but the heart must be ready for increase in order to be able to retain it. God isn’t going to release anything to you if the devil will be able to easily rob you of it.

If you are in a place where you are becoming bitter towards your boss or leadership in church know that that’s what God is wanting to deal with in YOU. People are just tools in God’s hands. Most of the time they don’t even realize God is using them to chip away at pride and bad attitudes in our hearts.

So the Lord wanted me to share a couple of personal stories to encourage you on how God did this in my life and how it may be what He is doing in your life right now.

Whatever the case may be…be still and know that He is God. God is God and He does not change. We are the ones who need to do the changing. Please listen to audio below and be blessed!

Receive this blessing:

The Lord bless you and keep you;

The Lord make His face shine upon you,

And be gracious to you;

The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,

And give you peace.

Thanks for watching! Please share this message with others!


Samuel Ramos III

Smashing Pillars International

Founder and President


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