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Abraham's Altars

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Shalom Pillars,

The altars Abraham built to Yahweh represent many things spiritually and prophetically. In this lesson you'll learn how the altars represent the pattern put in place by Yahweh for entering into the kingdom of God. Because God operates in cycles and patterns, these altars represent altars we must build to Yahweh with every step we take to enter into a greater position (rank) in His kingdom. I felt led by the Lord to share this lesson because many believers are coming into a time of promotion from the Lord but testing and trials always precedes promotion. This is a great lesson and should stir up expectancy in you. You are being considered for promotion which only comes from the Lord!

Until next time, receive this blessing!

The Lord bless you and keep you;

The Lord make His face shine upon you,

And be gracious to you;

The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,

And give you peace...His shalom!


Samuel Ramos III

Helping people stuck in life become unstuck...

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