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Smashing Pillars TV - Dream Sorcery Part 3 of 5


Shalom Pillars,

This teaching is the first of a five part series on the topic of dream sorcery. Many believers are unaware of this type of witchcraft. Some of the symptoms of being targeted with dream sorcery are nightmares, sleep paralysis, dreams of being married to someone who may already be married, unnatural sexual desires, fatigue, depression, and miscarriages to name a few. If you are dealing with similar symptoms grab a pen an notebook. I''ll tell you how to easily deal with it and finally get the breakthrough and victory Jesus wants you to take possession of quickly.

Notes for episode available below.

Receive this blessing:

The Lord bless you and keep you;

The Lord make His face shine upon you,

And be gracious to you;

The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,

And give you peace.

Thank you for your support and prayers!



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Notes for – Dream Sorcery Pt. 3

(continuation from last week’s episode on dream sorcery)

Recap of part 1 & 2: We are in a war and witchcraft is a weapon the enemy uses against believers. Many people do not understand this or just do not believe it is real because their pastors don’t or they just don’t teach them about these things.

Witchcraft is being practiced by highly educated people. Some are in politics, business, collage educators, and some are even in the pulpits of some well-known churches.

09-05-18 Word – Angels Are Marking the Doorposts of Churches in Houston

Shalom Pillars,

This morning I saw angels released throughout the city of Houston. They began to mark the doorposts of churches throughout the city and the churches surrounding areas with the Blood of the Lamb. The Lord then said there is a siege that is being planned by the enemies of truth. They know that Texas is about to strike oil again and the outpouring once delayed but not denied will begin to manifest and be released into the rest of the nation. The enemy has already planted his tares in the churches who the Lord calls deep hibernation. He likens them to terrorist sleeper cells that will be triggered and germinated when the outpouring begins and they are hybrid-nations. They will be allowed to rise and sow deception into the fields where they are planted. They will look like God, act like God, talk like God, but they are not God. They do not have the Spirit of God in them. They are twice dead. They will attempt to defile, defame, and even deny that the harvest is ready, but will be swept away by the very harvest they deny. In the reaping of the harvest, they will be separated and cast into fires by conflict to be an example to all who would practice their abominations sacrificed on My altars. These are the days of Ananias and Sapphira. The churches that received the mark are the churches that have been sealed from deception and who have found My Covenant Threshold. The churches which have not been marked will be the churches on the national news faking the move of God with doctrines of demons, but by the time this comes to pass My people will have been well trained and equipped to know and discern fake news, fake prophecies, fake doctrines, and fake outpourings when they see and hear it. I have been using the fake in the natural to prepare them for the fake that will begin to manifest. They are lying signs and wonders. My sheep will begin to be known for their bite! I will put My words in their mouths and they will be known for the conviction their testimony brings to the hearts of the lukewarm and the unrepentant. My words in their mouths will bring the true fire of the Holy Ghost and hearts of the lukewarm and unrepentant will be like wood and the unholy and profane in their lives will be consumed. With stinging words of truth and the love of God, many will be saved because the truth, no matter how painful, will set many free to see and know they have believed the lie. Many will be wounded and bruised by God this year, but then God will bind and make them whole. This is the place where the Blood of the Lamb is found on the doorpost of the church. Happy is the man who finds this congregation! It is the place where he will truly meet with the Almighty face to face! Houston, imminent is your visitation! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Or be swept away in the day of your visit! Job 5:17-27 Jeremiah 5:14, 21-31

Courses on black-magic taught in Ivy League colleges.

Curses, black-magic, spells, incantations, voodoo, and any other occult works they practice to summon demons for assignments is attached to an element as a vehicle to deliver the curse. Element: air, water, earth, trees, fish, birds or any other element or animal.

We’ve been given authority over all the works of the devil. This is why we were created to destroy the works of the devil just like Jesus.

We talked about elemental spirits and used examples out of Jasher and Paul’s writings in Galatians and Colossians.

There are many streams of dark arts that they flow in. All of them are counterfeits of what God has given to us and don’t compare to the authority and power we have access to from our positions in Christ.

My goal is to help you understand that it’s the Christians they are targeting. You are being targeted. If you are an intercessor, flow in the prophetic anointing, or signs and wonders, you are being targeted.

They are assigned to people and groups just like the intercessors of God.

I specifically focused on DREAM SORCERY because that’s what the Lord revealed is being used on a very large scale.

This message is not meant to be a super spiritual or super spooky spiritual. I am not glorifying the devil I am exposing his tactics and strategies so that you will recognize it and also know how to deal with it.

What I have been sharing on this topic of dream sorcery is so you will recognize it and know exactly how to deal with it. It’s meant to be another tool in your tool belt of spiritual weapons. Maybe you never experience attacks like this but it is still good know this stuff in case you know of someone who is experiencing these kinds of attacks. You will be able to help them get free.

Remember, we do not have to fear them or their works. We have been given authority over all the works of the devil and nothing by any means shall hurt you.

1 John 3:8 NKJV

8 He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.

You have been created and anointed to destroy the works of the devil!

Luke 4:18-19 NKJV

18 "The Spirit of the LORD [is] upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to [the] poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to [the] captives And recovery of sight to [the] blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed; 19 To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD."

John 15:16 NKJV

16 "You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and [that] your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you.

Luke 10:19-20 NKJV

19 "Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. 20 "Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven."

Dream Sorcery

Why now? Why is there so much witchcraft and sorcery being practiced? Here in the America, because it is election year.

Altars are built using personal effects of the intended target. The person performing the ritual ceremony will use their own blood, bones, organs of animals sacrificed to summon a demon or spirit and assign it to do something. They’re intention is to harm, torment, destroy, afflict, and even kill the target.

If they do the rituals and incantations correctly it will create a demonic altar and also high places over the intended target. It’s like an open window from heaven over that person’s, but the problem is that it is from the second heaven and not the third heaven.

They will send terrifying nightmares to the person. They come in dreams to torment, defile, and program you.

Usually to mislead, destroy marriages, families, businesses, and ministries. They will cause affliction, pain, infirmity, spirit marriages, rebellion, rage, accidences, miscarriages, lack, limitation, poverty, opportunities to prosper always seem to be aborted or stillborn.

Zechariah 10:2

For the household gods utter nonsense, and the diviners see lies; they tell false dreams and give empty consolation. Therefore the people wander like sheep; they are afflicted for lack of a shepherd.

How are they able to go into a person’s home? They are given legal rights through unrepentant sin or gifts that have been cursed.

Astral projection/Soul traveling

Possible by receiving gifts that have been cursed, buying objects from second-hand stores or from garage/estate sales.

Cursed land – land needs to be redeemed

To be continued in Part 4...



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