Insights into Daniel by Sue Watkins

Shalom Pillars!
I am excited about sharing this post with you today. This teaching on the Book of Daniel by Sue Watkins will bring awakening and renewal to every listener. Author of Insights into the Writings of Daniel and Introducing the Melchizedek and His Kingdom, Sue brings clarity to what the Bible calls the time of the end. These two companion books are the product of the revelation she has received from her research of the Holy Scriptures and the leading of the Holy Spirit.
In the auto teaching in this post, Sue will share a summary on her book Insights into the Writings of Daniel, what the vision and prophecy Daniel was instructed to seal in a book until the time of the end actually was, and how we are living in that day today.
This teaching is fresh off the presses! Sue was hosted by Janice Sturkie in Hempstead, Texas just this Saturday morning. You will be so blessed by Sue’s ministry so grab your Bible, notebook, and pen. You are about to see and understand what was revealed to Daniel about the day you are living in today!
Sue has provided notes for her teaching. I have attached in the link below, please feel free to print them.
Be sure to share Sue’s teaching on Daniel and the Melchizedek on all your social platforms, Bible studies and church groups! For more information on her books and how to purchase them, go to the bookstore page of this website.
Receive this blessing:
The Lord bless and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace!
His best is you,
Smashing Pillars International
Helping people stuck in life become unstuck…
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