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The Books Are Being Opened

Shalom Pillars,

The Lord woke me up today at 4:00 am and He has kept me in intercession all day until now 7:29 pm. During the day today the Lord began to take me and show me in Jerusalem the two priesthoods that are being prepared there. One is His priesthood and the other is not. The Levitical priest will be approached and confronted in a very public setting by the priesthood that Yeshua is currently High Priest over. He was called by God, as High Priest, according to the order of Melchizedek. This is the glory of God to be revealed. The Lord told me today, how He has been visiting them and instructing them. They are the Lions of His Bride...and they are coming, and whosoever wills can partake of this celebration and move of the Spirit. Below is most of what I received today.

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Pray, pray, pray...a great door has been opened to us...I am concerned only few will find and enter it.

Thus says the Lord,

There is a remnant in Jerusalem who the Lord Himself has been discipling and instructing before the altar of Yahweh regarding the true nature of priesthood, and the Head, the Sovereign and Holy One, the Son of Man…He sits as High Priest. The Melchizedek, the King of Righteousness and King of Peace. I AM He, who Daniel saw in the courts of heaven…and wrote a on a scroll… sealed, words unknown....that on the day called “that day” it would be revealed…

Come! Come! Come! This is that day!

This generation is passing away and a new generation is springing forth now. This is that day! Do you not perceive it? You must perceive it, for I have called you to be this new, this holy and this royal priesthood, I am birthing and bringing forth in the earth this day. They have been instructed in the things pertaining to righteousness. I have placed My very nature and character in them. They are walking according to My Royal Law, and that which they bind is bound and that which they loose is loosed. They decree these commands and statutes and ordinances of Mine on the earth, I do the same in the heavenlies and thus says the Lord…IT IS FINISHED.

Behold, I stand at the door and knock, and your time has NOW come.

NOW, you arise!

NOW, you shine; for your light has come!

My glory will suddenly fill your temple…you will walk in My very nature and character.

And the Messenger of My covenant will clothe you with My very reputation, and you will delight in Him… the King of kings…behold, He comes quickly…

Submit to Me, put away childish things and become the perfect man I created you to be. Be the mature man, of full age, who knows the difference between good and evil, light and darkness, the holy and profane. Then I will release the keys…and I will confer a kingdom on you, just as My Father conferred one on Me, that you may be about the your Father’s business, as I became a Man and was about My Father’s business. Behold, I will send you as He also sent Me… and greater works.

Greater works...

Greater works…

Greater works… shall you do in My name….

Greater works… shall you do in My name…. from the place I have prepared for you on earth, but also from the position I give to you before the throne… to stand, to walk, among these here in My courts in heaven, where they shout the praises of Yahweh...the pillars and foundations are shaken…

Greater works will you do…

Greater works which have not be told until now…if you believe.

Do you believe? Do you really believe what you say believe?

You must believe in order to see, and enter into, the greater works I am revealing in My courts.

Come! Come! Come!

The books have been brought out before the Ancient of Days…they are about to be opened!

Come! Come! Come!

I will clothe you with rich garments, and a clean turban has been prepared for your head.

Come! Come! Come!

The books will be opened soon for all who operate in the courts of heaven to see… and the Spirit of Prophecy… Shall you not roar?

The Spirit of Prophecy… the One, who is the Testimony of the Son of Man, will overtake you.

Shall you not roar?

Yes, you will roar and the works of darkness will make manifest. IT IS FINISHED.

Come! Come! Come!

The books are making manifest and the courts are assembling and the council is seated in high places, far above every principality, power, might and dominion… Greater works…

These books have not been written, but these books have already been fulfilled.

Greater works…

Put away the unholy things…

Put away that which I call profane…

I will receive you…

I will be a Father to you…

Be holy, as I am holy…

Be perfect, as I am perfect…

Then I will reveal My plans and purposes to you, the things I call secret…shall you not roar?

Shall you not prophesy?

You will roar, and you will prophesy!

When the Lion speaks, His lambs roar!

Shall you not roar?

Shall you not prophesy?


Come! Come! Come!

The books are being opened!

The books which have not been written, but have already been fulfilled, the same could not be contained…by the world.

Greater works… are being written for you in heaven…My Bride.

Come! Come! Come!

You will see what must be that you might prophesy on the earth…and it be established.

Come! Come! Come!

Remember not the former things… I have made them a desert to you.

Remember not the things of old…I have made them a wilderness to you…

My desire is that you might hunger for more, but not for yesterday’s manna…

The just shall live by faith…

I AM the King of the kings of righteousness…theirs is the earth.

I AM the Lord of the lords of shalom…theirs is the fullness of it.

The just shall live by faith…

Come! Come! Come!

I have prepared a coronation for you… NOW OVERCOME.

Overcome… and I will allow you to sit with Me…

As I overcame…and He allow Me…

Overcome…and you will receive the crown of life…a father you will be….to birth sons…

Be one with Me…and we will birth sons into the kingdom…imitate Me as they imitate you…

A man and woman of great influence I have NOW made you to be.

Imitate Me and they will imitate you…

Behold, I stand at the door and knock…enter in…let’s agree and covenant with one another…

Then you will see Me as I am…and you will be…the same…

No longer be dull of hearing, but SHIFT…be mature…put away the milk…

Solid food belongs to those who SHIFT…

No longer will you be tossed to and fro… thrown from the work of My ministry…unstable in all your ways…SHIFT…let patience have its perfect work… do not grow weary…do well…

You’ll do well…if you do not faint…

Behold, I stand at the door and knock.

This time…let’s agree…I call you into My ministry…the kingdom you are not far from…

Let’s agree to the work of My ministry… one of righteousness…not of works…of praises and not sacrifices…

Do not be deceived…you cannot serve two masters…the priesthood…

One must increase and the other must decrease….

IT IS WRITTEN… Greater works…

The books the world could not contain have been written in heaven…

Greater works they are called…

The world could not contain them…

Bound cover to cover…these three remain…




Your eye and has not yet seen…greater works that will yet be…

Behold, open the door, and the Author and Finisher will enter your heart…faith to believe…

Greater works… prepared for you in heaven…

These three remain…

Possible, Written and Finished…the seal of perfection…

Come! Come! Come!

Says the King of kings, and the Lord of lords.

Come, you who are called blessed of the Father… His begotten and elect ones…the table has been set… FEAST and you will begin to see!

Come! Come! Come!

Be witnesses of this work I have begun in Jerusalem…from Zion it will go, out of My Spirit I will pour… into all Judea and Samaria, even to the end of the earth. My righteous remnant which I have birthed in Jerusalem has grown strong…they know Me...the Son of Man… the prophesied Melek of all the earth… I AM that I AM…

What a mighty thing I will do through them… Greater exploits…

Greater exploits… and greater works have been written for them to do…

They are worthy of the sandals they wear…how beautiful are their feet shod with My Shalom!

The sons of Levi will wail and gnash their teeth at them…and it will be a very public scene…outer darkness...but I will intervene… choose this day whom you will serve...and greater works shall you birth…

All will see their purging and refining, the sons of Levi as silver and gold, the dross removed…and the praises of Yahweh will break forth from out of their innermost being…rivers of living waters…wells of salvation…O sons of Jacob, I am the Lord, I do not change…therefore return to Me and I will return to you…

The heart of the Father and the hearts of His sons…restorer of the breach…again they shall be one…

All of creation is waiting for the dawning of that new day…

This is a faithful and true saying…the half has not been told…

The manifestation of the sons of God…

I will no longer withhold…

Arise, shine; your light has come!

Out of Zion… break forth My sons!

Every jot and every tittle! Fulfill! Fulfill!

Out of Zion! Break forth My sons, says the Lord!

Receive this blessing:

Blessed are you by God Most High,

Creator of heaven and earth.

And blessed be God Most High,

Who has defeated your enemies for you!



Smashing pillars…raising sons…

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